Utility Services > Our Team > Dave Dabney

Dave Dabney

Music Lover, Father of Twins, Former Middle School Teacher

Part of Utility Services Since: August 2023

Title: Security Associate

University of Vermont Master of Arts in Teaching

Area of Focus: Cyber and Physical Security Group

Contact Info:

David Dabney was born and raised in New Jersey before moving to Vermont in 2012. After a few years working in the nonprofit sector post college, David spent the past decade as a Vermont educator, teaching English and Social Studies to students in 6th, 7th and 8th grades.  During his tenure as a teacher, he learned how to quickly digest complex information and effectively communicate ideas to a variety of audiences. He is excited to use those same skills in a new context as part of the Cyber and Physical Security Group at Utility Services.  David is also a proud parent of rambunctious, fraternal twins who make him very happy and keep him very busy. His non-parenting hobbies include reading, meditation, spending time outside, and traveling with his lovely wife.

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